The pronunciation of the letters in the Spanish alphabet

Any dictionary should give you some hints about Spanish pronunciation. The rules described below are valid for the Castilian Spanish (spoken by the majority of Spanish people) only. Most of the below examples are Spanish cities; else, the example is written in italic. And the  blue  marked words are attempts to give a figured pronunciation.

In many dictionaries, the words starting with the letters "ch", "ll" and "ñ" have their own chapter, after the respective letters "c", "n", "l".


Rule number one: where ever you meet an accent on a word, use it !

Else, use the next to last syllable. Using this rule and the accent, you will land in correctly in about 80 % of the cases.

The other rules are much more complicated and could be the object of a book, but you will admit that if you do right in eighty percent of the cases with these simple lines, the question may be asked: is it worth to learn ninety-six pages more to make sure to be right in one hundred percent of the cases ?

This page belongs to A short Spanish-English glossary of real estate vocabulary